So it's been raining here in Ada, Oklahoma for a while now...
and I'm getting sick of it.
I don't mean to just be a negative Nathan and complain about all this wetness,
but dag nabbit,
I can't do much outside whenever the streets are all wet.
Who wants to build an indoor skatepark?
The infant over to my left is Colsen.
He's awesome.
So my family recently came into possesion of a 4 month old baby.
Her name is Amy, and she's the biological sister of my other adopted sisters.
She's... a baby.
I'm not used to dealing with babies.
Last night,
I was working on a school project,
and she cried.
I get it, okay?
She's a baby... therefore she also cries a lot,
but dang it,
I've never had to deal with this kind of business before.
It made me wonder how I'll be as a father.
I'm lazy,
and I often put sleep at a high priority in my life,
but what I'm hoping,
is that whenever/if ever I have a child of my own,
I will have so much love for that human being,
that I will be excited every time the child wakes me up,
just so I can hold it again.
I don't know if this is what happens in real life or not,
but I know that it happens whenever we cry out to God.
I know a couple of friends that really didn't have too great of a weekend.
They are awesome people,
and they also love God with a deep passion,
but I know a couple of them had to beg for forgiveness, like we all should do from time to time,
and thought, "God is so sick of me asking for forgiveness. He's just fed up with me."
I can understand being sick of the peaks and valleys that come naturally with following God,
but know that God does not grow tired of you running to him.
He wants you,
and if that means you having to leave him for a while,
just to know what his love truly is.
This happens to everyone.
Let's just be real folk,
there's no way to stay within the Godly mindset 24 hours a day,
everyday of the week.
We're just too full of ourselves.
I dig looking at cameras on Ebay more than reading Phillipians quite a lot.
We get tired or something,
so we don't read our bible,
or we don't pray,
or we just don't care about all the daily responsibilities that come with trying to keep the life of the righteous.
But when you choose to come back,
when you choose to get up out of your little hole,
don't think that you are just wasting God's time,
or that He's become angry with you.
Come to him as when a child comes to his loving father.
In Luke 18:17,
Jesus says, "Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.”
This is what I take from this verse;
Whenever you were a kid,
and you did something wrong,
did you ever feel the need to own up to it?
We don't want to,
because we're afraid to disappoint people,
and possibly losing the love we recieve from them
But we know that if we have God,
then there's no way His love can be taken from us.
So that just leaves disappointment,
There was a feeling I had as a little kid,
where whenever i did something wrong,
even though I was ashamed of what I did,
I wanted a fresh slate,
and I wanted to move on from it.
I didn't want it lingering in my mind anymore,
so whenever I felt like this,
I would approach one of my parents or something,
and without any pride in me,
tell them what happened,
ask for forgiveness,
maybe even recieve some discipline or something,
then move on.
It was done.
It wasn't even an issue anymore.
It was out,
and I was sorry for what I'd done.
The pride might be what get's us.
It's like,
if we admit what we did,
and ask for His forgiveness,
then He knows what we've done,
and we don't recieve his blessings.
Here's the problem with that one though,
He already knew.
He knew before we were even thought of in our mother's minds.
Before the universe was set into place.
And he still has blessed us in incredible ways.
If God worked in a way that was like, "You did something bad, something bad will happen to you."
He wouldn't bother waiting until we did it.
He's beyond time,
so to Him it's already happened and everything.
He would just fill our lives with a bunch of crap from beginning to end.
And yeah man,
that happens for sure,
God doesn't make everything comepletely awesome and incredible.
Following God sucks sometimes.
But we know the worth from it.
We know that following Him down that road that may suck really bad,
ends up taking us to a paradise.
So it's us.
Going back to God,
is a choice we make.
Drop that pride man.
Drop that ego about yourself.
It's only holding you back from giving into what he has for you.
Run to Him knowing He's the only way out of this biz that you've got yourself in,
or that the world has shoved into your life.
Don't you know that God is love?